What You Can Expect To Learn In Relationship Therapy…
1. How to handle blame and transform it into constructive communication.
2. Two simple things that will eliminate criticism.
3. How to rekindle physical and emotional intimacy.
4. What are the four most destructive elements in a relationship and how to deal with them.
5. What to do about nagging.
6. How to communicate with your partner without eliciting defensiveness or anger.
7. What helpful things to do during conflict and disagreements that will restore harmony
8. What to do when there is infidelity and how to rebuild trust.
9. How to motivate your partner to fulfill your needs.
10. How to get your partner to listen and communicate.
11. Whether you or your partner are clinically depressed and if that is interfering with a healthy relationship.
12. The “do’s” and “don’ts” if divorce or separation is imminent.
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